
Showing posts from August, 2021

Understanding End Of Life Stages

Knowing that a loved one is at the end of their life and could die at any time is too overwhelming. How does one handle a tragic loss? There are no precise methods for coping with grief, but there are procedures that can help us in moving forward to happier days.  Grief manifests itself in different ways for different people at different times, but adapting stages make up for it. We go through different phases to cope up with loss – and it’s normal! Healing takes courage, and we all have it. We must learn to adjust to the changes of life. Each person’s adapting technique is unique. Become more familiar with end-of-life phases so you can prepare yourself with similar unexpected situations.  Denial The moment you start denying the news and thinking life makes no sense indicates you’re in the stage of denial. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness or getting word of a loved one’s death leaves you in a state of shock because your life as you know it, changes in an instant. In the denial s

Helping Patients Mentally Deal with Pain

Chronic pain is real, but it is also unseen and unquantifiable. While dealing with a loved one’s illness is never pleasant, chronic pain disorders are particularly challenging because the level of the pain might change from day to day. Sometimes, chronic pain isn’t visible and your loved one may look healthy but may be experiencing unbearable pain. Even when there’s no apparent reason or medical explanation, the pain is real. Learning about chronic pain and pain cycles might help you validate your loved one’s experiences. Often they struggle with pain which can make them feel hopeless and helpless. Someone who is in pain caused by an injury or chronic condition, it seems impossible to give comfort. You can provide immediate help but emotionally supporting them is just as important. Pain is an emotional experience as much as it is a physical one. If you can help them get through the emotional aspect, the physical aspect will be far easier to manage. So how do you provide support to some